Prezentare informala urmata de o sesiune de feedback cu publicul
Joi, 30 mai, ora 20:00
WASP- Working Art Space and Production
Str. Ion Minulescu, nr. 67-93, Fabrica Flaros, corp E, etaj 2
Intrarea libera
Anna Nowicka este performer si psiholog. A studiat la Universitatea din Varsovia, Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance si Ernst-Busch/HZT (Berlin).
In ultimii ani a dezvoltat o metodologie personala, pe care o aplica in creatia artistica, bazata pe teme ca visul, imaginatia, actiunea fizica.
In 2011, metodologia Annei a fost recunoscuta si premiata cu DAAD Preis, premiu urmat de o bursa in coregrafie la Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.
Painting of Glenn Brown Portrait after Lucian Freud nr 8 (2008)
In 2012 a beneficiat de bursa danceWEB in cadrul ImpulsTanz Festival din Viena. In prezent studiaza la School of Images din New York.
“Vreau sa prezint publicului procesul pe care l-am urmarit pe parcursul celor 3 saptamani de rezidenta. Nu e o prezentare finala, e mai mult o prezentare a starii in care sunt acum. Lucrez cu imagini, le urmaresc toate ipostazele, le pun sub semnul intrebarii si le aduc pe scena pentru a negocia prezenta lor in raport cu corpul meu si cu cel al publicului.” (Anna Nowicka)
Organizator: Asociatia 4Culture
Parteneri: WASP – Working Art Space and Production.
In cadrul proiectului Jardin d’Europe, cu sprijinul Programului Cultura al Uniunii Europene.
Proiect cultural finantat de Administratia Fondului Cultural National.
Informal presentation followed by a feedback session with the public
Thursday, May 30, 20h
WASP- Working Art Space and Production
67-93 Ion Minulescu Street, Flaros Factory, building E, 2nd floor
Free entry
Anna Nowicka is a dance maker and psychologist. She graduated the Warsaw University, Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, and Ernst-Busch/HZT in Berlin.
In recent years, based on her long term interest in the work on dreams, imagination and physical actions, she started developing a methodology to be applied to an artistic creation. Her focus lies on questions of imagination and creativity, and a body as a field of potentiality, in the state of constant becoming.
In 2011 Anna’s research has been recognized, and she was rewarded a DAAD Preis, followed by the choreographic scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. In 2012 she received a danceWEB scholarship at the ImpulsTanz Festival in Vienna. She is currently studying at the School of Images of dr Catherine Shainberg.
The informal presentation is intended to share the working process I was engaged with during my three weeks residency here, at WASP. It is but a draft, an attempt of a portrait. I am working with the question of how to subvert the “known” body, deconstructing it in order to induce new, unobvious meanings.
Taking a portrait of an individual as a starting point, my work plays with viewers’ desire to make sense of what they see and seek a sense completeness. I aim to offer a space where multiple readings of the body are possible, and where the body is revealed as an illusion of consistency, wholeness as fraud. (Anna Nowicka)
Organizer: 4Culture Association
Partners: WASP – Working Art Space and Production
In the frame of Jardin d’Europe, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union
A cultural project funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund