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Artistic residency | Thomas Steyeart

4Culture Association, in collaboration with Centre Chorégraphique National Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon, organizes between the 8th and 15th of november  the artisitic residency offered to the choreograph Thomas Steyeart, in the frame of Wild Card activity. He collaborates with the romanian dancers Georgeta Corca and Diana Chira in order to create a new production. The residency takes place at CCN Montpellier, as part of the European project Life Long Burning. Life

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Laboratorul de creație | Coaching Project | Martin Sonderkamp & German Jauregui

Laboratorul de creație is a free coaching programme organized within the the GROWASP project, which will be held by Martin Sonderkamp & German Jauregui, as invited by artistic director of 4Culture Association and curator of eXplore festival, Andreea Căpitănescu. Number of participants: 6 Registration can be made by sending your resume and a personal statement,

open call


Asociatia 4Culture and WEE/Francesco Scavetta will co-produce in the frame of „Foreign bodies” project a contemporary dance performance including artists from Romania and Norway, lead by the choreographer Francesco Scavetta. Titled „Migratory”, the production will be inspired by the book “Invisible cities” of Italo Calvino, with ground theme of the periphery as a metaphor of


BODY OF WORK | Performance & Artist-talk | Elana Katz (DE)

The second edition of X Platform continued, on October 24th and 25th, the series of events under the curatorial concept ”Body and limit”, with Elana Katz’s performance and artist talk on Gua sha. The artist has been trained in “Gua sha”: (Chinese: 刮痧; pinyin: guā shā) a traditional Chinese medical treatment which releases unhealthy elements
