Workshops articles

WAM performance 1

We are the Monsters, Colette Sadler

We are the Monsters, Colette Sadler

COLETTE SADLER (DE) 10:00 – 11:15/ 28.09 / WASP Performance followed by Workshop Choreography & concept: Colette Sadler Performance: Maxwell McCarthy , Yohei Yamada, Flora Wellesley Wesley Music: Noid / Fritz Welch  The presentation of We are the monsters in Bucharest is supported by the NATIONALES  PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) International Guest Performance Fund for Dance,


Master Class, Christoph Winkler

CHRISTOPH WINKLER (DE) 11:00 – 14:00 / 07.10 / WASP In this workshop we will speak about the choreographic process behind the development of the piece RechtsRadikal. We will explain and discuss techniques and strategies used in the rehearsal process, as well as take a closer look at how current political issues can be addressed

Jardin d’Europe / Bucharest Souvenir

Asociatia 4Culture & WASP – Working Art Space and Production va invita la: Jardin d’Europe / Bucharest Souvenir  27, 28, 29 iunie 2013 Locatie: WASP – Working Art Space and Production, Fabrica Flaros, str. Ion Minulescu 67-93, corp E, etaj 2, Bucuresti. Asociatia 4Culture in parteneriat cu WASP – Working Art Space and Production are

Workshop de balet pentru dansatori contemporani

Workshop de balet pentru dansatori contemporani Corina Dumitrescu 9 mai – 13 iunie 2013 | WASP – Working Art Space and Production “Dansul clasic este o tehnică pe care orice dansator ar trebui să o experimenteze indiferent de limbajul personal. Un corp antrenat nu va fi niciodată surprins de o coregrafie complexă în care

Program de formare profesionala 2013

WASP si Asociatia 4Culture anunta lansarea programului de Formare Profesionala din 2013. Ateliere, dezbateri, invitati, proiectii, sesiuni de feedback. Diferite “altfel” de formate de-a descoperi, analiza, cerceta si aprofunda. Programul de Formare Profesionala isi propune sa vina in intampinarea nevoilor de dezvoltare profesionala continua a tinerilor activi in domeniul dansului contemporan, performance-ului si managementului cultural,
