Delices presentation takes place in the frame of “Wild Cards Residencies“, activity of the Life Long Burning project. Event organised by 4Culture Association, in partnership with CCN Montpellier.
Friday, December 18th, 7PM
Your donations will be directed towards the victims of Colectiv. Thank you for your solidairty.
Reservations at:
Conception: Aina Alegre
Interpretation: Charlie Fouchier and Aina Alegre
Dramaturgy and assistant choreography : Isabelle Catalan
Sound: Romain Mercier
Lights: Pascal Chassan
Production: STUDIO FICTIF, 4 Culture și Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier, in the frame of Life Long Burning
Coproduction: Théâtre de Vanves, Festival Artdanthé ( Paris)
With the support of: 104 (Paris), Centre national de la danse (accueil studio – Paris), Format Danse (Ardèche), Tanz Leuk (Suisse), Théâtre de lʼÉtoile du Nord (Paris), La Ménagerie de Verre, Studiolabs (Paris).
STUDIO FICTIF have the support of DRAC Île-de- France.
DELICES opens towards two individuals that are facing. Partners of scene,potentially twins, isolated, together or apart, they are ready to basculate towards a fiction: they want to fuse.
The piece is presented as a pyschic laboratory about the obstinated desire of two bodies “of being together”: absorbing, penetrating, swallowing, giving one to the other and to the game.
These attemps of fusing create a multiplicity of relations to the otherone.
The relationship of the dancers is transformed in permanent, as well as the logycs and strategies that they try in order to end with the abyss that separates them.
The choreography suggests the transformation of the two bodies in one matter, a form that crosses, for the treatment of time that goes by, the plasticity of the interpreters to question their limits.
The scene is a laboratory and becomes a succession of paintings. The bodies become empty of their history. They may be innanimated as still life paintings or of vanities. The project evokes this pictoric references to show the drain time, the limits of the body and the death.
DELICES takes an insistent character, hypnotical, dumb due to the dynimic of desire of the other and the imaginary of a « human impossibility » to reach a body completeness.
Aina Alegre
Aina Alegre | BIO
Born in Barcelona in 1986, Aina Alegre is choreographer, performer and a actress.
In Barcelona she follows a multidisciplinary training in dance, drama and singing.
In 2007, she joined the CNDC directed by Emmanuelle Huynh, where she met artists and choreographers that feed her choreographic culture.
Since 2009 she develops her own artistic work, she co-signs the piece SPEED and the film 12 45 84 and in 2011 she created the performance LA MAJA DESNUDA DICE. This proposal leads to the creation of the piece NO SE TRATA DE UN DESNUDO MITOLOGICO in 2012.
She works as a dancer in different creations as JAMAIS ASSEZ by Fabrice Lambert, Ob.scène by Enora Rivere, VEINE, CASSETTE and BATTEMENT byDavid Wampach or Pacifique by Nasser Martin Gousset.
As an actress, she contributes to the creation of EN MANQUE of Vincent Macaigne, the film RAGE (Isabelle Catalan) and Veloma de l’autre coté de l’eau (Raphael Hôlt).
In 2014 she founded the Association STUDIO FICTIF in order to continue to develop, create and stage its own projects as well as collaborations with other artists .
STUDIO FICTIF is conceived as a space dedicated to the choreography. It allows the creation of various artistic forms like choreographic objects, plastic objects , or educational projects.