1-1, Alexandra Balasoiu

31.10 | 19:30 | WASP white box

“1-1″ started as a research on what means human sincerity in our society. How many layers do we put between us and the others?  How honest are we as human beings in our everyday existence? These questions revealed the absurdity of relationships in a society ravenous in its desire to quantify, where everyone struggles to be the best and speaks loudly without carrying about the interlocutor’s answer, with dialogues that transform in  monologues. What happens when you refuse these rules? What if you close our eyes and create your own world? Would it be less real? Could it be more sincere?
“1-1″ is an opposition between two worlds and a wish to find a common language. It is a return to childhood, to that specific joy, sincerity and desire to connect, and a fight to intergrate that in our “serious” existence. It is about reminding what defines us as human beings.

Andreea Balasoiu is a 3rd year Choreography student at the National University of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography “Ion Luca Caragiale”, Bucharest. She practiced dance sport at a professional level for 5 years, and in the past 7 years has been part of “Alexandru Davila” theater (Pitesti) as a ballet dancer. She participated in contemporary dance workshops held by Valentina de Piante Niculae, Francesco Scavetta, Iñaki Azpillaga, Lola Keraly, Baris Mihci, Cosmin Manolescu, Andreea Novac, Vlad Merariu, Simona Deaconescu and Andreea Belu. As a performer she colaborated with Mircea Florian, Alexandra Girbea, Ruxandra Chelaru, Andreea Belu and Simona Deaconescu.
