P.A.R.T.S Auditions - early bird deadline: March 20, 2013
The early bird deadline for the P.A.R.T.S auditions in Bucharest is March 20, 2013. To avoid the preselection being fully booked, we recommend that you apply before this date.
For successful candidates selected to join the P.A.R.T.S Training cycle, 4Culture offers financial support in the form of grants and scholarships, as well as administrative support. More information will be made available to interested candidates after the selection results.
P.A.R.T.S auditions for the ‘Training’ cycle 2013-2016
For the cycle 2013 – 2016, P.A.R.T.S will select a number of approximately 50 students. In Bucharest, the auditions will take place on April 20, 2013, atWASP – Working Art Space and Production (Flaros Factory, Ion Minulescu 67-93).
Registration and admission
- to register, fill out the registration form available here: http://auditions.parts.be/
- after maximum two working days, you will receive an e-mail confirming your presence in the preselection of your choice; one week before the actual preselection, you will receive an e-mail with all the details about the preselection
- the registration deadline for Bucharest is April 13, 2013 (minimum 7 zile days before the preselection date)
- the Final audition for entry in the 2013-2016 Training programme will take place May 7-12, 2013
More details about the admission procedure: http://www.parts.be/en/how-become-student
Entry requirements
- the minimum age of entry is 18, the maximum age is 23 (both ages on December31 in the year of entry)
- candidates must have a secondary school diploma
- students have a good knowledge of English when starting the course; at the final audition the candidates will have to take a language test.
Registration & tuition fees
- the registration fee is € 4.500. This amount is due only once, irrespective of the number of years the student spends at PARTS and has to be paid before the start of the courses
- the tuition fee for Training Cycle is € 2.500 a year, with the daily lunch included
- to participate in the preselection, you will have to pay the obligatory sum of €10,- (or the equivalent in the local currency, which will be communicated through mail once you registered).
The study programme is available here: http://www.parts.be/en/curriculum-training
Scholarships & grants
- candidates are encouraged to apply for grants awarded by their local (municipal, regional, national) authorities
- the PARTS Foundation provides grants to students at PARTS. The scholarships are complementary to the grant awarded to a student in his or her country of origin. The grant covers at most the tuition fee, food, travel expenses and part of the living costs. The student will receive the application forms for the scholarship immediatelyafter the final audition
More about the P.A.R.T.S scholarships: http://www.parts.be/en/departs
The preselection
- the preselection will take a whole day; the doors will open at 09.00 am, the first class starts at 10.00 am. The results will be announced by the end of the day.
- at the start of the preselection, 2 recent photos are required: you can send them either by regular mail (to Eva Vanhole, Van Volxemlaan 164, 1190 Brussels) or bring them to the preselection.
P.A.R.T.S Students
Former students: Albert Quesada Bernaus, Aurélie Morin, Benjamin Vandewalle, Camille Prieux, Cecilia Lisa Eliceche, Claire Croizé, Daiane Lopes Da Silva, Eleanor Bauer, Eléonore Valère, Elizaveta Penkova, Eve Bonneau, Georgia Vardarou, Kajsa Sandström, Klaus Ludwig, Mette Ingvartsen, Ula Sickle, Ulrike Reinbott, a.o.
More about the former P.A.R.T.S students: http://www.parts.be/en/former-students
More information: http://www.parts.be/en/how-become-student#faq
P.A.R.T.S. – Performing Arts Research and Training Studios vzw
Av. Van Volxemlaan 164
1190 Brussels
WASP – Working Art Space and Production
Ion Minulescu 67 – 93, Flaros Factory
P.A.R.T.S. (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) is a joint initiative of the dance company Rosas and the Belgian National Opera De Munt / La Monnaie, launched in September 1995. Its director is the choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker.
PARTS offers training in contemporary dance and is divided in two cycles of two years, the basic ‘Training’ cycle and the advanced ‘Research’ cycle. More about the P.A.R.T.S programme: http://www.parts.be/en/presentation