WASP – Working Art Space and Production hosts on June 17&18 an workshop held by the Viennese dancer of turkish origin, Ziya Azazi, organized in colaboration with The Austriac Cultural Forum of Bucharest, being part of the event ” The Turkish Austria”. In his performative and pedagogical practice, Ziya Azazi combines the experimentalism and the repetition typical for dervish dance…
(Ro) ȚARA NIMĂNUI – 8 acțiuni solo
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(Ro) Workshop Videodance | Simona Deaconescu
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Coaching Project | Dance Film with Simona Deaconescu
Simona Deaconescu, choreographer and director, coordinated a one month laboratory introducing the practical and theoretical basis of dance film. The workshop is part of the I.D.M.P.A. (Innovatory Directions into Multimedia and Performing Arts ) initiative, being an integrated part of GROWASP, a program of professional formation in the field of Contemporary Performative Arts, launched by…
(Ro) Laborator de solo dance performance | Andreea Căpitănescu, invitat: Valentina de Piante
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Intensive Improvisation Workshop | GROWASP with Ana-Maria Lucaciu
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CORPS à CORPS – Workshop with Valentina de Piante
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