Ingrid Berger Myhre | BLANKS

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Date: 28.10, 29.10, 19:00
Duration: 1h

Choreography and Performance: Ingrid Berger Myhre
Photo/visual research: Jenny Berger Myhre
Funded by: Arts Council Norway
Co-produced by: Dansateliers Rotterdam (NL), Working Art Space and Production (WASP), 4Culture – Bucharest (RO)
Thanks: Lasse Passage Nøsted, Soria Laboratoria
Eveniment prezentat în cadrul Conferinței Foreign Bodies

BLANKS is a solo in which Ingrid Berger Myhre builds a frame for the dialectics between presentation and representation. In a game of deconstructing layers of sign and symbols, the viewer navigates – like in a dot-to-dot-game – to reconstruct the sense by filling in the blanks. Notions of subtext, pretext and context playfully suggest how the description of a situation already alters the very situation described.

In Myhre’s previous works, semantics has been a recurrent feature to her interest in how we read what is at stake, based on conventions and references in language. With BLANKS she continues this investigation, using imagery as the common denominator.

Ingrid Berger Myhre (1987) holds a BA in modern theatre dance from Amsterdam School of the Arts (NL) and a MA in choreography ;research and performance at the Choreographic Centre in Montpellier (FR). Language and semiotics are central elements to her artistic work, departing from text and gesture her works proposes cheeky takes on readings and projections of meaning through conventions and expectation. She is affiliated choreographer at Dansateliers Rotterdam, the house co-producing her works since 2013, regularly programmed in Black Box Teater in Oslo. When retrieving her MA she received the Arts Council Norway’s Diverse Scholarships for Graduate Artists in 2015, and was the year after she granted the Artists Working Grant for the period of 2016-2017.

