Preparatory to the 10th edition of the eXplore dance festival – Bucharest International Contemporary Dance and Performance Festival, Romania’s main dance and performance event – 4Culture Association, in co-production with Tangaj Dance, WASP – Working Art Space and Production and Life Long Burning kindly invites you to the second edition of X Platform with the opening of the exhibition on Friday, 4th of September at 7 pm, at WASP.
X Platform is a residency programme dedicated to the new generation of visual artists across Europe, a programme, that supports the research and the production of interactive, new and trans-media projects.The second edition of the project X Platform will take place from September 4th to November 15th 2015. It will consist of the exhibition of the new works by the artists-in-residency, lectures and workshops and installations and performances by guest artists.
The first part of X Platform’s 2nd edition will include the exhibition of the artworks of the selected artists Smaranda Gabudeanu, Livia Radulescu, Iulia Sima, Larisa David, Emil Ivanescu (Ro), Harry Sanderson (UK /D) and Abel Korinsky (D), curated by Olivia Nițiș and Ciprian Ciuclea. The exhibition will be open from September 5th until September 13th between 4 and 8 pm and will be accompanied by public lectures and workshops by the invited speakers Cosmin Haias, Matei Bejenaru and Cătălin Crețu.
“X Platform 2015 encourages the analysis of the body as a limit. The project tries to answer to questions related to the limits of the body in technology, the thought-out body, the abstract body or the decorporealization and its avatars in digital technology and virtual reality, anti-corporeality, the creation and representation of control limits of the body, the receptor body vs the generator body, the absent body, the individual and the collective body.” (Olivia Nițiș and Ciprian Ciuclea)
Olivia Nițiș is an independent curator, researcher at the Institute of Art History „G. Oprescu” of the Romanian Academy and vice-president of Experimental Project Association. Ciprian Ciuclea is a visual artist based in Bucharest, Romania, President of Experimental Project and Director of IEEB (International Experimental Engraving Biennial).
X Platform is a cultural program in co-production between 4Culture, WASP — Working Art Space & Production, Tangaj Dance and Life Long Burning, with the support of the Culture 2007 — 2013 programme. Partners: Nod makerspace, Experimental Project. Sponsor Robofun. A cultural project financed by: AFCN – The Administration of National Cultural Fund and The Ministry of Culture.
September 4, 7 pm opening
September 5 – September 13, 4-8 pm – exhibition open for public
September 5, 7 pm Cosmin Haias – public lecture – Corporality and Limitations
September 8, 7 pm Matei Bejenaru – public presentation – Songs for a Better Future
September 10, 7 pm Cătălin Crețu – public workshop – The prolongement of the body with the intermediation of technology
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