ESZTER SALAMON (HU/DE) 11:00 – 14:00 / 06.10 / WASP I would like to link the workshop to Melodrama and my interest in narration, documentary and female autobiography. In this way I can link some of my works such as Hungarian Dances (205) that is an autobiographical lecture performance, AND THEN (2007), which is a…
Critical Endeavour, Angela Vadori
ANGELA VADORI (AT) 21.09 – 25.09 / 11:00 / WASP Programme: September 21 – 22: 11:00 – 15:00 September 23 – 25: 18:00 – 21:00 „If there is one attitude that we must move beyond, it is that pan-European self-protective huddling which is only interested in Europe in so far as it forms a barrage…
Body of Grace, Valentina de Piante Niculae
VALENTINA DE PIANTE NICULAE (RO/IT) Coordinator: Valentina De Piante Niculae Choreography and research: Valentina De Piante Niculae, Valentina Dal Mas Written recordings: Brailleway Sound recordings: Christian Marchi Piano: Silvia Ioana Niculae Production: Asociația 4 Culture, WASP – Working Art Space & Production, Jardin d’Europe With the support of: Istituto Italiano di Cultura “ Vitto Grasso”-…
Interview with Joanna Lesnierowska
Joanna Lesnierowska is a Dance Curator and Project Coordinator at Stary Browar Art Centre, Poznań Andreea Căpitănescu: How does daily consumerism meet contemporary dance and art in a former industrial space, in Poznań? Shopping mall and contemporary art in a former industrial space. From a Western perspective (the border with Germany has its inevitable influence…) it…
Contemporary Fusion @WASP – Curs deschis cu Judith State
Contemporary Fusion – curs deschis condus de Judith State / 24 & 25 august, 20:00- 21:30 / WASP – Working Art Space and Production Cursul se adreseaza tuturor celor interesati, cu sau fara experienta in dans si se va desfasura la WASP sambata, 24 august si duminica, 25 august, in black box. Participarea este gratuita.…
Jardin d’Europe / Bucharest Souvenir
4Culture Association & WASP – Working Art Space and Production invite you to: Jardin d’Europe / Bucharest Souvenir June 27, 28, 29, 2013 Venue: WASP – Working Art Space and Production, Flaros Factory, Ion Minulescu 67-93, building E, 2nd floor, Bucharest. 4Culture Association in partnership with WASP – Working Art Space and Production has the pleasure to announce…
Jardin d’Europe / Installation
Artists selected in the frame of the installation “Jardin d’Europe – a metaphor?” / WASP – Working Art Space and Production / June 28, 2013 / 19:00 Adina Mocanu and Alexandra Sandu / CALOIAN through Europe / audio-sculpture installation Cristina Maier and Cornelia Tuglui / THROUGH / photo-video installation Ioana Mischie / NOESIS (STORYSCAP.ES) /…
DaDans Project
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