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Performance by Anton Ovchinnikov // Immersive multi-channel video installation

Performance by Anton Ovchinnikov // Immersive multi-channel video installation

”Intimate Choreographies. Mapping a new reality” presents: 19:00 – 20:00 Beauty of the Beast – Performance with & by Anton Ovchinnikov (Ukraine) 20:00 – 21:00 Immersive multi-channel video installation, concept and artistic direction: Andreea Căpitănescu   03 November 2022, 19:00 – 21:00 WASP – Working Art Space & Production, 67 -93 Ion Minulescu Str. Bucharest

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Ember – a show by Judith State premiering at WASP Working Art Space and Production

event part of the Life Long Burning (LLB) – Towards a sustainable Eco-System for Contemporary Dance in Europe 4Culture Association announces the premiere of EMBER, by Judith State, on 21 and 22 October, 7pm, at WASP – Working Art Space and Production, 67-93 Ion Minulescu Street, Bucharest. Duration: 1h. After the performance, the audience is

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(Ro) OPEN CALL – And what art can do about it?

OPEN CALL – And what art can do about it? dedicated to interdisciplinary visual artists (new media, multimedia, cross-media artists) EXTENDED DEADLINE: 05.10.2022 Deadline for application: 30.09.2022 Period: 4.10 – 4.11.2022 The project ‘And what art can do about it?’ questions a recurring theme in contemporary society, namely the relationship between art and eco-socio-political crises. At



Community in Solitude – exhibition presented in partnership with the Art Encounters Foundation, Timișoara, 15.09.2022 – 04.10.2022   Opening – 15.09.2022 – 18:00   Photo-video workshop coordinated by Matei Bejenaru, organized in partnership with the West University of Timișoara, Faculty of Arts and Design, September 14-15, 10:00-12:00   “Community in the time of division” presents

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Transsystemic Signals 2.0 (Ciprian Făcăeru, Andrei Raicu)

Transsystemic Signals 2.0 (Ciprian Făcăeru, Andrei Raicu) July 7 – 28  Artist talk + Opening installation: July 7, 19:00-22:00  WASP Working Art Space and Production Booking here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/transsystemic-signals-20-installation-visits-exploring-plurealities-tickets-382820124297?fbclid=IwAR1_JeX3U20XxRJvXqZ0TmDt5JMh7BuXsganpeFwE2PesSp68yIlRK57E-o Free entrance Event organized within EXPLORING PLUREALITIES Symposium #1 Transsystemic Signals 2.0 explores the innovative-creative potential of the tools and methods offered by the new media in order
