15.10 – 17.10 / WASP
It’s not hard to notice that the local contemporary dance and performance scene is filled more with creators than performers. One can easily observe as well a growing appetite of the non-academic dance sphere, if we can call it that, for workshops and projects. Given that the number of dance and performance productions in Romania is reduced, tight budgets dedicated to this area do not allow projects with more than 3-4 performers and many more voids in the infrastructure, future professionals don’t too many opportunities to be active. The format I am proposing comes in sequence of the initiative “Second Degree Meetings” (an intensive program of dance and performance workshops from 2010) and is created with the intention of offering dancers/performers the chance to get involved in a more substantial project than a week-long workshop. The working methods will focus in the beginning on my own artistic research: pleasure in movement, kinesthetic empathy, somatic work practices, experiential anatomy, authentic movement, therapeutic dance, text and movement improvisation, the relationship between physical and verbal expression, perception/imagination work, emotion aesthetics, scenic representation and convention, human interaction, roles, dramaturgy, social conventions and their qualities of being performed, dance and its social and political relevancy etc. The body will be the main generator of movement, sound, sensations, emotions, words, verbal and movement automatisms, thoughts, reflections and analysis.
To apply: send your CV and a cover letter to the following address: workshops@exploredancefestival.ro
Deadline for applications:
- October 5 (for Romanian artists)
- October 15 (for European artists)