Score #21 – Method of Elimination, Thomas Steyaert, 2014

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Score#21— Method of Elimination is a living mechanism that explores the essence of today’s society in real time. Using a score that was created in collaboration with his performers, Thomas Steyaert approaches human dependency in such a way that he tests, punctuates and transforms the perception of basic human values. Bodies, states and emotions receive new meanings while the composition regenerates itself ad infinitum, deconstructing abstract ideas like teritory, rebellion, or justice.

Founder of the Ponyhill vzw collective, Thomas explores various mediums, from dance/performance to painting, drawing, music, photography and film, approaching each from a different perspective. As a choreographer, he takes great interest in the real-time concept, as well as in the physical non-representative communication between his performers. Simultaneously, he dives into using theatric elements and their role in suggesting meaning, identification and different perceptions. “Real-time choreography is fragile and it demands a high concentration and focus of the performers. It’s more than an execution of an arranged series of movements in time and space. It’s a constant negotiation without ever really knowing where the physical output of the other performer might bring you. For the project score#21 — Method of Elimination we discovered that not the movement itself is the focus, but rather the anticipation and expectation of the movement to come or the “silence” in between the articulation. Real-time choreography is unpredictable. One day the score has an uncanny character, the other day there is agreement and harmony. Something to value!”, he says.

Score#21 Method of Elimination is produced by WASP & 4Culture, in co-production with LifeLongBurning and the support of the Cultura 2007 2013 programme. A cultural project financed by the Ministry of Culture, AFCN – The National Cultural Fund Administration, The Bucharest City Council Centre for Cultural Projects and ARCUB — București 555 Program.
