Tag Archives: performance art bucharest

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UPDATE: OPEN CALL | X Platform #3

UPDATE: OPEN CALL | X Platform #3

UPDATE: The new deadline for aplications is on the 8th of August 2016 4Culture Association, in co-production with WASP Studios and Life Long Burning launches the 3rd edition of X Platform — a residency programme that offers support for the research and production of interactive projects, new and  trans-media, dedicated to the new generation of visual

cover solatium2


4Culture Association and  WASP Studios have the pleasure to invite you on Thursday and Friday, the 12th and 13th of May, at 8PM, at the premiere of SOLATIUM, a dance performance signed by the Belgium based choreographer THOMAS STEYAERT and performed by 4 young Romanian dancers. UPDATE: The next show will be on the 4th
