Iosif Kiráy and Christine Ulke - 87-88 Clouds Will Rain for You - Credit Foto Vlad Dinu


Collaborative performance


The work is a hybrid version (word often used lately to designate both face-to-face and mediated relationships, through various online platforms) of the sound installation 61-87-88 Clouds Will Rain for You (Work by Iosif Király and Christine Ulke, dedicated to Fluxus artist Geoffrey Hendricks, who was their professor at the Sommer Akademie Salzburg 1992. The first presentation took place in Salzburg in the same year, and later, larger versions were presented at UNAgaleria and WASP Working Art Space and Production in Bucharest, Royal Academy of Arts Antwerp, Music – Impulse Center for Music, Dommelhof, Belgium (last two at the Europalia festival, 2019), from which it comes.

WASP Studios invited the two artists to conceive a new artistic creation that can be presented (depending on the fragile and unpredictable situation generated by the pandemic), both in “on site” and “online”. This time, the sound is mediated electronically, through various captures, processing and spatializations.

IOSIF KIRÁLY is an artist, architect and educator who lives in Bucharest. He has participated in numerous national and international art exhibitions and events, both individually and in various collaborative projects, the most well-known project being the subREAL group.

He benefited from scholarships and artistic residencies, he has also participated and coordinated cultural and documentary programs. His works are in numerous art collections, both public and private.

He is one of the founding members (in 1995) of the Photography and Dynamic Department of the National University of Arts, Bucharest, where he is currently a professor. Starting 2013, he holds a course within the visual studies master of arts at SNSPA.

CĂTĂLIN CREȚU is a composer, multimedia artist, scientific researcher at the Center for Electroacoustic and Multimedia Music of the National University of Music in Bucharest (catalincretu.ro). His artistic practice cover a wide area, from composition for acoustic instruments to experiments audio-visual interactivity field. He published a reference book on the implementation of new technologies in new music: ‚De la sunetul sinus la anatomia umbrei. Perspective tehnologice în muzica nouă’ (From sine sound to shadow anatomy. Technological perspectives in new music. UNMB / Vellant Publishing House, 2015.



The artistic creation is produced within the “Mixed territories” project, co-financed by AFCN.

Production: WASP Studios Co-producer: 4Culture Association

Project co-financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund.

The project does not necessarily reflect the Administration of the National Cultural Fund`s view.  The ANCF cannot be held responsible for the project`s contents or use of results. Responsibility for the latter belongs solely to the beneficiary.

The installation can be visited in the frame of eXplore festival #15 at WASP Working Art Space and Production:

  • 18.10.2020 // 18:30 – 20:30, Registration form https://bit.ly/36WgCTq
  • 19-25.10.2020 // 15:00 – 19:00, by email appointment contact@waspmagazine.com

@Photo by Vlad Dinu –  Iosif Király and Christine Ulke – 87-88 Clouds Will Rain for You
