Svankmajer Night @ WASP

Luni, 03.06 / Proiectie de filme
Ora: 21:00
Str. Ion Minulescu, nr. 67-93, Fabrica Flaros, corp E, etaj 2, zona Timpuri Noi
Intrarea libera
mDw-ZaWkOxsjyCB7nArSyKGERiXcbH197lteUUG83aMIntre 1 si 5 iunie se desfasoara Czech Film Hunting, un festival  in care filmele sunt proiectate in locuri pe langa care poate treci in fiecare zi si nu te gandesti  ca le poti vedea acolo.
Seara de 3 iunie este dedicata lui Jan Švankmajer,  iar Centrul Ceh a ales spatiul de arta contemporana WASP – Working Art Space and Production, situat in fosta Fabrica Flaros din Bucuresti.  Incepand cu ora 21:00, filmele lui Švankmajer vor fi proiectate simultan in cele doua studiouri (white box si black box).

Jan Svankmajer este un suprarealist autoproclamat, model pentru multi regizori renumiti, cum ar fi Terry Gilliam. Prin tehnica stop-motion, el reuseste sa produca un efect amuzant si de cosmar in acelasi timp. Filmele lui sunt bogate in simboluri si referinte culturale care vorbesc limbajul subconstientului, multumindu-i atat pe cei care cauta intelesuri intortocheate, cat si pe cei care se bucura de stimuli vizuali. Un lucru e sigur: nici unii, nici ceilalti nu au timp sa se plictiseasca, deoarece filmele lui Svankmajer sunt la fel de obsedante ca romanele lui Kafka.

Ne vedem luni, la o seara de filme, pe care le poti vedea doar in atmosfera WASP- Working Art Space and Production!

Un eveniment organizat de Centrul Ceh împreună cu Staropramen.

Parteneri: Muzeul George Enescu, WASP– Working Art Space and Production, Pegas. Parteneri media: 24FUN, Bewhere,,, Modernism, SUB25.

Svankmajer Night @ WASP
Monday, June 3 / Film screening
67-93 Ion Minulescu Street, Flaros Factory, building E, 2nd floor
Free entry

The Czech Film Hunting festival runs between June 1st – June 5th 2013. Film screenings will take place in outdoor and indoor locations you pass by every day. The evening of June 3 is dedicated to Jan Svankmajer, and the location chosen for the screenings is WASP- Working Art Space and Production (contemporary art centre recently opened in Bucharest, inside the former factory Flaros).

Starting  at 9pm, Svankmajer’s films will be screened simultaneously in the two WASP studios (white box and black box).

Jan Svankmajer is a self-proclaimed surrealist who inspired many film makers, such as Terry Gilliam. Using stop motion, he manages to combine an amusing and nightmarish effect. His films are full of symbols and cultural references that speak the language of subconscious, pleasing both those who are looking for twisted meanings and those who enjoy visual stimuli. One thing is certain: nobody will get to be bored, because „Svankmajer`s films are as obsessive as Kafka`s novels.”

See you all Monday at WASP for a delightful evening of short films!

Organized by the Czech Centre and Staropramen.

Partners: Muzeul George Enescu, WASP – Working Art Space and Production, Pegas. Media partners: 24FUN, Bewhere,,, Modernism, SUB25.

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